
Coming Soon: A Smarter, Centralized Way to Manage Property Maintenance

October 18, 2024

As the industry leader in proptech, we have seen firsthand the challenges multi-family property managers face every day. The manual scheduling, printed work orders, delays caused by weather or contractors, and the constant juggling of vendors—it’s all too familiar.

According to a recent survey, 72% of property managers cite scheduling and coordination as their biggest operational pain points.* And let’s not even get started on keeping tenants happy when things don't go as planned. It’s clear that the traditional way of managing maintenance is outdated and full of inefficiencies. 

But what if there was a solution that could change all of that, and more importantly, centralize it all in one place? 

Centralization is key to solving these problems. Right now, multi-family property managers are dealing with scattered systems and disconnected processes. Research shows that 60% of property managers use three or more tools just to manage day-to-day tasks.** You might be scheduling technicians in one system, managing vendor relationships through emails, and tracking inventory in yet another platform. It’s inefficient, and it leads to miscommunication, delays, and mistakes.

By centralizing everything—from technician scheduling and vendor coordination to inventory management and asset tracking—you gain full control and visibility over every aspect of your operations. This streamlining can lead to a 20% increase in operational efficiency, which not only saves time but significantly reduces costs.*** It means less time spent chasing down information, fewer costly errors, and faster response times for tenants. 

Imagine automating technician assignments, so the right person with the right skills gets the job done quickly, with fewer delays and increased first-time fixes. Picture having real-time updates from vendors, no more chasing people down or dealing with slow communication. And how about proactive asset management, where you can extend the life of your equipment and plan to avoid costly surprises? 

With centralization, you’ll be able to manage everything from one platform, streamlining your entire workflow and making your team more productive. We’re not just talking about incremental improvements. This is a whole new level of operational efficiency, vendor transparency, and tenant satisfaction. It’s a comprehensive 360-degree solution! It’s going to simplify multifamily property management in ways that make your life easier and your business more profitable. 

Excited? You should be. Stay tuned—big things are coming. 

* 72% scheduling pain points: Buildium Property Management Industry Report, 2023 

** 60% use three or more tools: AppFolio Property Manager Survey, 2022 

*** 20% increase in operational efficiency: McKinsey & Company, “The Future of Property Management,” 2021 

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